

Designing for growth: how a logo captures Fetch's revolutionary spirit.

Designing the logo for Fetch Pet Insurance was an immersive journey, one that required a deep understanding of both the brand’s innovative approach to pet insurance and the emotional connection between pets and their owners. Fetch stands out in the pet insurance industry for its forward-thinking and compassionate ethos, and our goal was to encapsulate these qualities visually. The process began with extensive research into the pet insurance market and Fetch’s unique position within it. Understanding the industry’s landscape was crucial in differentiating Fetch from its competitors. Equally important was grasping the emotional bond between pets and their owners, which lies at the heart of Fetch’s mission.

  • Branding
  • Design

The design concept centered around the themes of energy, growth, and wellness. We wanted the logo to be more than just visually appealing; it needed to tell a story, to evoke a feeling.

The dynamic, upward-stretching lines were chosen to represent not just the physical vitality of pets but also the aspirational journey towards better health and care under Fetch’s protection. These lines serve as a metaphor for progress and positivity, guiding the viewer’s eye upwards and forwards, much like Fetch’s approach to pet care.

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